Wednesday, December 24, 2008

White House Fires Back at Times Over Housing Meltdown Story Stated takings loan.

The White House is pushing back severe against a New York Times article that essentially blamed President Bush for the sub-prime mortgage can of worms and the Wall Street fail by linking those crises to a approach end he stated more than six years ago. That goal? "We want more kin owning their own home," as Bush said in December 2003. But a 5,000-word article in the Times on Sunday, under the headline, "White House Philosophy Stoked Mortgage Bonfire," said Bush was also encouraging a "hands-off approach" to ordinary that encouraged "lax" standards on behalf of lenders. "He pushed pragmatic to lengthen homeownership, especially amid minorities, an lead that dovetailed with his purpose to prolong the Republican tent -- and with the proprietorship interests of some of his biggest donors," the article said.

"That's about as myopic as you can get," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said in response. White House counselor Ed Gillespie lashed out at the Times for its elucidation of Bush's accommodation policies. "They've had to mortgage their edifice in Manhattan to worker urge ends meet, and they've been reduced to junk-bond status. I don't be versed if the New York Times' junky reporting is the denouement of being in junk-bond status, or if their junk-bond pre-eminence is what's resulting in their tinsel reporting," Gillespie said. In fact, the Times' article ignored a riches of its own reporting, dating back to the age of Bill Clinton, whom the article mentioned only once, in passing.



Author's post: there

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