Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Globeandmail.com: Expert contradicts Cadman bind claims. Stated revenue loan.

from Victoria, Canada writes: "Scare Crow from Toronto, Canada writes: Ivana, if you were busted and offending you would await it would go away. If you see wronged, you will tussle it vigorously. Note that two experts already hired by the Tories already said it was doctored. But Harper is not satisfied, he wants someone to very round a look out on and he get this. That's why they want to get the primitive tapes which Zy would not want to release. So who is hiding something?" Mr./Mrs. Crow, if I accurately felt wronged on this choosy issue, I would have vocal up licit away: "Hey!!! I didn't perform as that retell on that day! Something is misuse here!" Also, I would think up that most, if not all, front-page news outlets would have caught any recording irregularities when this record insolvent in February.

That did not happen, did it? It certainly did during the Gurmant Grewal issue. And donate me the total "the media is a left-wing supporter" garbage. Surely the Sun Media Corp. (as an example) would have loved to have gotten the story on the presumably counterfeit tape? Funny that it takes FOUR months for Harper & Co. to "hire" (i.e. pay) two "experts" to further their assertion that the cassette is doctored. To fantasize that Mr. Carriere above wants those of us who shore up the Liberal rave to appearance up Naive in a dictionary! You may want to lift a aspect in your own backyard before dispensing advise!

two experts

Read the very informative article: click here

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